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DKHP Journey - Closing Chapter 3

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

It’s that time again, my long overdue blog. Bye-bye Semester 3!

Living our mask lives...

To be honest, I doubt this blog would be over a page long HAHAH. I mean, a lot has happened during this semester but when you wanna write it down, it’s just meh-.

About half of our semester was done online. It was definitely a struggle to wake up for the 8am classes earlier this semester.

When you’re at home and just sleeping at 2am every day, 8 am classes are literally torturing. Let’s not even mention the lecturers’ sweet voices that just makes you wanna close your eyes and enjoy the moment. LMAO

ANYWAY! The point of this blog…

To those of you who don’t know/don’t read my previous blogs, this is basically a series of my diploma journey where I conclude on the things that I’ve learnt throughout the semester so that I have a chance to look back at those lessons when I graduate!

I honestly don’t think I have much to say. Maybe the fact that buying those airline promo passes are super worth it because you can just book your tickets at low prices HAHAHA. Let’s just hope this blog is not just the length of an Instagram caption.

There aren’t any significant lessons or memories that needs to be explained in detailed, but I do want to mention about how our lives have changed because of Covid-19. Throughout the whole semester, Covid-19 was right there with us. Through thick and thin. :D HAAHAH So yeah, I guess in life there’s just these sudden changes that nobody can predict, and we just have to learn to adapt.

I do think that some people have to take this more seriously. I’ve seen many that have not taken necessary precautions and just assumed that there wouldn’t be any problems just because they were in campus. Yeah maybe the risk is lower when you’re like in campus, but their mentality of not taking things more seriously may really cause problems somewhere. It’s like 2 am in the morning I have no idea what I am saying but hopefully you understand HAHAHA. Basically, you can’t keep assuming that it’s not going to be problem because precaution is better than cure. Was that a better explanation? Prolly not HAHAHA

Hmm, another thing that I think is worth mentioning is probably about the chances we don’t take. The example that I am going to give would sound stupid but hey it delivers the same meaning, so it’s okay. Remember that blog I wrote MONTHS ago about stepping out of our comfort zones? When I started writing that blog, I think it was before covid even happened LOL. The point is, I had those amazing ideas about filming like a short clip or vlog to compile all the things that I wanted to challenge myself with but I didn’t. So when Covid hit, I literally couldn’t do any of the ‘challenges’ I wanted to do because it mostly involves being outdoors and in public places. You get my point right? HAHAH A lot of the times, I’ve always procrastinated and didn’t take the chances that were given to me. In the end, the opportunity may just fly away and I’m stuck with guilt and regret. So, conclusion, TAKE THAT OPPORTUNITY, TAKE THE CHANCE, DON’T WAIT, GO GO GO.

Welp, that’s the blog! Less than 800 words oh my, how surprising. Bye!

Thanks for reading the blog, see you in the next! Ciao!


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