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DKHP Journey - Closing Chapter 2

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

YES it is finally time to close chapter 2. FINALLYYY

Had my last paper 3+ weeks ago and I am happy that it’s over. With the pandemic going on, chapter 2 lasted way too long than it was supposed to. I had all these amazing plans planned out for my semester break but I guess they’re not going to be happening soon. I don’t even know when my third semester will start lol.

Anyways, back to the point of this blog..

To those of you who don’t know/don’t read my previous blogs, this is basically a series of my diploma journey where I conclude on the things that I’ve learnt throughout the semester so that I have a chance to look back at those lessons when I graduate. Hehe

Truth be told, I don’t have a lot in mind for this blog, so I think it’s going to be a short one. Not much lessons learnt but I guess they’re quite important ones.

Before I start, few things I want to mention. For this semester, I moved to the fourth floor of the dorms (meaning aras 3) so the design of my room changed and one of my roommates, YT, got transferred to another room. The room I got was the kind that was much praised by myself in my other blog. I envied my friend for having this spacious room, where the beds are not bunked and where the tables are huge. Well, I got what I wanted, just 3 floors above. That’s why they say be careful of what you wish for.

Hm, I think that’s the only major thing that I have to mention before starting the blog. Now, let’s jump right into it.

First off, we have the ‘phase’

This is quite a major topic that I really wanted to put in my blog as I feel like my attitude and take at life has switched (small part of it) I’d like to say that for the second semester, my life has indirectly turned into a more productive one compared to my last semester. As mentioned, I moved to the fourth floor and majority of my friends still stayed on the first and second floor sooo it is quite the climb I would say HAHHA. That is why, the distance plus my laziness allowed me to stay in my room alone for longer periods of time and I eventually got my assignments and personal stuff done way before the due date! There are some assignments that I wasn’t as motivated to do, but I didn’t need to rush any of them at the last minute because of my procrastination (incidents from last semester lmao). I also had time to put more research and efforts on them rather than just completing it for the sake of submitting.

There were some days that I felt bad because I wasn’t putting in much effort to hang out with my friends or ‘visit’ their rooms as much as I did last semester. I felt like it would cause my friendship with them to drift apart. This was the phase where I was overthinking stuff and it made me feel like I’m doing something wrong. I even called up my best friends KL and C (Kuala Lumpur and China HHAHAHA ok sorry), and had some deep conversations with them about the issue. Just to sum it all up, I feel better now and I’ve accepted the fact AND believe that nobody should feel burdened by the idea of maintaining friendships because the true ones will stay. I’m not saying that hanging out with friends is a waste of time, I’m not saying friends are not important, I’m just saying that it is equally important to spend time in personal development and personal growth. I think that it worked well for me personally because I was more organized, I accomplished more stuff, had time to write my blogs and just improve mentally I would say. Spending a balance amount of time with friends and myself was a big part of the change that I experienced in my second semester and made me feel a tad proud. I would definitely like to continue this positive change in my future and highly recommend you to do so too if you feel like you’re not seeing much positive improvements in your life. Learn to prioritize and you’ll feel like a brand new person!

Next one, dancing.

Yea you read it right, I danced. Where you ask? In a Rumah Panjang, not the club. Will I do it again? Not sure. HAHAHA I’ve never really danced before but wow here I am. I guess that’s why this topic is included in the blog.

Dancing is not like the MAIN point of this lesson, it is just an example of another step outside my comfort zone. For those who know me, you guys know that it is not expected from me when it comes to dancing. I've never even really danced before to be honest. Well not until now.

Remember where I mentioned in another blog about having bakti siswa this semester? Well, I experienced it already and it was quite fun! It wasn’t as bad as I imagined it to be. Thankfully, my group decided to go to a Rumah Panjang located in a Kampung (Rumah Uchong Anak Nyalipan). The other bakti siswa groups stayed in school and did other kinds of programs. It gave us an opportunity to experience something different and special. We got to stay in rooms of the locals, had conversations with them in their language, saw them perform traditional dances and even sang together in a big group. It was definitely a different kind of school field trip that one can experience. Some of them even went fishing with the locals! (I didn’t :p) climbed trees, drank fresh coconut water, wore traditional clothes, watched traditional performances and danced together in a big and long hallway.

My point is, through this extraordinary experience, I was given a chance to step out of my comfort zone, try new things and do new stuff. Dancing was just one of it! :)) Stepping out of comfort zones makes me feel good and proud of myself. The only problem is, I always need like a kickstart before I have the guts to do so. This program gave me just what I needed. An opportunity.

These are some (3 to be exact) pictures from the experience!

Yes I am aware that the picture is blurry. It was a quick shot.

Corona virus happened before I ended my second semester. There are some things I have to say about it but I will be writing it in another blog because sooo much has happened in that short period of time I feel that separating them would be much better.

SO! That’s all that I can think of for this blog and I promised that it was gonna be a short one so I will end it here. Felt like I’ve talked about a lot of things but there were only 2 main topics oops.

That’s all for this blog, see you in the next! Ciao! :)

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