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DKHP Journey - Closing Chapter 1

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

23rd October 2019 marks the end of the first semester. Had two weeks of finals (6 days to be precise) and it’s finally time to hop on the plane and go home.

One month certainly seems like a long semester break but trust me, I’ve wasted every hour since I’ve reached home HAHAHA damn how time flies. Speaking of time, just in a blink of an eye, I’ve spent 3 months living in Bintulu Sarawak with a bunch of friends that I am forced to see 24/7. I can’t say that the three months have gone to waste because I’ve definitely acquired some life skills as well as some improvement in personal growth.

I’ll cut to the chase now. This blog will be about what I’ve learnt in the past three months and it will be a series that I will be doing whenever I finish a semester. Just felt like it will be a good idea to summarize what I’ve learnt and I’ll also be able to look back at the blogs when I graduate (hopefully) someday HAHAHA..... soo feel free to just skip this blog if you are not interested at all :D

Aaaaannd to those of you who decides to continue reading.. I will TRY to keep it short HAHAHA

First thing I’ve learnt is to cherish.

There are times in life that we take everything as granted and we don’t seem to realize that someday that specific routine you have going on, will change; that specific object you like a lot, will be lost or will serve no purpose anymore. I think you get what I mean. Transferring to Bintulu to study made me realize that the time I spend with my family and my dogs, and of course my friends, will minimize and I will definitely not be able to just open my eyes and see them as usual. Yes there is still ways to contact them through the help of technology but don’t even get me started on the internet connection I get in my dorm. Even with the help of video calls and shizz like that, the internet is not helping AT ALL. Thankfully, the bond between your family and friends are not that easy to break. (unless you have fake friends AHAH) grateful that my group of friends have reached a level of maturity to understand that everyone has a different life now and might not be able to catch up like we used to. AND I do appreciate Jc for the constant snaps even though I never really reply to any of his snapchats HAHA and when I do, he'll always be like 'wow finally a reply' HAHAH. ANYWAYS,,point is, we've all grown to this level where we understand each other and we don't necessarily need to be talking every sec of the day to maintain our friendship. When we say we are busy, yes we are BUSY AF, so let’s do that storytelling session next time k :D

Next up is… time management.

I’ve never really believed it when people say that if you study at a boarding school, you’ll study more and be more productive. Well, I wouldn’t say that I am productive all the time but I’m definitely studying more compared to when I’m home. We all know that it is hard to escape the comforts of your own bed and the tv and the blazing wifi speed and the dog(s) and the food, I can go on forever. But the thing is, when I was there, I had uhm nothing I guess HAHA. Well the bed IS a distraction since it is just right behind my study desk but other than that, there’s really nothing much that can distract me from really focusing on my studies (when I decide to study that is) I wouldn’t say I study a lot or have good grades but I bet my assignments won’t be completed on time if I was at home HAHA with friends from the same course living with you and seeing them do their homework, it’s only natural for you to have the urge to sit down and complete yours too.

Something that I’ve definitely learned is to step out of my comfort zone.

Well, there is still room for improvement but I’ll say that I’ve tried my best (for now) HAHAHA The “buku hijau” programme gave me new experiences (will explain what this is in another blog :P) and the rule that made it mandatory for first year student’s to stay in the dorms also gave me the chance to experience a whole new environment that I was not really prepared to face. Just to summarize this lesson, I think we just have to be brave. I’ve been put to situations where I didn’t have the guts to do something and ended up regretting it. Hmm, note taken. Found myself being braver (just abit) than before. Who knew I’d pick up bugs with my bare hands even when they’re very much alive and able to fly HAHAHA achievement unlocked.

Although we don’t have to take as much extra curriculum as we had to in secondary, but they definitely took it up a notch with the projects given. Yes you heard it right. Every club has to complete a project that does not only involve the school but also the society.(Even if you are in a sports club).We are required to organize maybe a competition or even a workshop that is related to the sport club you are in. Trust me, it is no easy work. My club had to organize an invitation competition and damn the things we had to do. But this ‘project’ gave me the opportunity to meet new friends as well as experiences like what it’s like to stop by shop to shop asking if they were interested in sponsoring our event. (even though I am not in the sponsor team) HAHAH you kinda just get to see what kind of people you are surrounded by and what kind of environment you are working in. We faced tons of obstacles and that really challenged our minds because we had to solve the problems professionally now. This semester I signed up for sports so next semester it is compulsory for me to sign up for ‘bakti siswa’ a programme that is basically like volunteer work. Oh boy, I can’t wait for the work, time and money I will have to invest in that programme. Nice :D

I think that's basically all the main lessons I can remember for the moment Hehe :P If I happen to think of another lesson, maybe I'll just add it to next sem's list. HAHAHAHA

That's all for this blog, see you in the next. Ciao! :)

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