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DKHP Journey - Closing Chapter 4

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

I swear I just wrote closing chapter 3 (in December 2020 HAHA), and now we are closing chapter 4! I don't even know what to write ngl.

I present to you the photo that is taken just for the sake of this blog because I literally cannot find a decent picture to put it in the blog HAHAHA. Yes I look like this 90% of the time when I am in class. (Picture Accuracy=10%)

To my usual readers, you know what this is about. HAHA To those of you who don’t, this is basically a series of my diploma journey where I conclude on the things that I’ve learnt throughout the semester so that I have a chance to read them after I graduate!

Although the whole semester was done online, it is easy to say that this semester was one of the most difficult semesters that I’ve experienced thus far. We were given so much more assignments and group projects it was crazy. I think it is because we didn’t have physical lab sessions, so it had to be done in written form. I for one believe that group projects are exhausting. Some of you might LOVE the idea of group projects and you can disagree with me all you want but let me just babble on about why I have a love-hate relationship with it.

In my opinion, group projects MUST be done with the right people. If not, I much rather do the whole assignment alone than to work with people that are hard to “deal with.” Especially when we’ve reached a certain level of education, I feel that students should be given the rights to choose our own groupmates. I mean, we are not a bunch of kindergarteners who should be put into groups to see which group can sing the ABCs better. We are dealing with more important assignments and projects and should be given the choice to work with people who we are comfortable with. No? Plus, it’ll be easier to work with people who matches your enthusiasm no matter if you are passionate about completing the work orrr you just don’t care as much. Think about the torture that both parties would go through when a person that is passionate to complete the work is put into the same group with a person that just doesn’t care if they pass or not. I do think that the grading system could be tweaked just a tad if lecturers HAVE to assign our groups lmao. Simply having a grading sheet where we can grade our groupmates based on their work ethic would be enough reasons for them to buckle up and do their work, right? And if you disagree up to this point, you might just be the parasite of the group. (just saying)

To not waste each other’s time on what I think about group projects/assignments, (you can come argue with me in my DMs) I feel that we are at an age where we should be responsible with the work that we are given and not rely on other people. If we do, how far are we gonna get in life?

Moving on,

I honestly have no idea what else I can write in this blog HAHAHA. The things I can think of don’t really have any relevance with my diploma journey. Now with covid hitting us again, I’ve literally spent less than 24 hours outside the house and it’s just sad. AHAHHA

Only 526 words, am I not putting effort? HAHHAH Well I can’t fake my lessons learnt AHAH

Oh yeah, currently I have about 3 months for my semester break but MCO started again so, byebye 1 month of my holiday. I think there's another announcement that'll be out today so I guess my holiday will not be a holiday after all.

If you've read the whole blog, thank you. Here is an ACTUAL representation of what I look like when I am in classes. My hair would most definitely be much greasier than it is and I'd have one leg up on my chair (You're lying if you say its not a comfortable position) Yes, that is a pillow that I have with me during classes for emotional support. And No, I don't turn on my camera unless my teacher asked us to.

Yes that is the face of confusion because I have no idea what is going on 98% of the time.

That’s all for this blog, see you in the next! (I’ll post another one soon I promise) Ciao!

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