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Writer's pictureHoneyLisa

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

It’s been quite some time since I updated my blog so I’m writing a short one today! :)

Actually, this topic randomly popped into my head a few weeks ago but I was too caught up with ~life~ to update hahha. Today’s blog will be a simple, short and straightforward blog, (I hope) and it’ll be a different kind of blog compared to the ones I’ve published before. As you can see from the title, it is about stepping out of your comfort zones. I will be writing my thoughts about it and hopefully it will be as relatable for you as it is for me. Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

The first question I would like to ask is, what does ‘comfort zone’ mean to you? And what exactly is within your comfort zone?

The reason I want to ask the two questions above is because I have come to the realization that sometimes, we remain within our comfort zones only because its comfortable and not because it’s actually something we want to be doing *If that makes sense*

With so many factors affecting every decision in our lives: our actions, how we speak and sometimes even our personality, it is hard to say that how we categorize ourselves within our comfort zone may be who we truly are as a person. It is merely something that you would do just because you’ve been doing it since the start and you are comfortable in doing it because it is a constant variable in your life. You know that following the steps in a recipe guarantees you a good cake or cookie at the end, so you follow it carefully, sometimes not even happily/willingly. You might have wanted to use blueberries instead of chocolates but you didn’t know what the outcome would’ve been, so, in the end, you stuck with the original ingredient- chocolate. Now what? You’re back to square one and stuck with a plain old chocolate cake for the rest of your life just because you were scared of switching it out to blueberries (little overexaggerated and weird metaphor but meh. P.S. no hate to chocolate cake)

Ever since I graduated high school, I have realized how easy and how important stepping out of my comfort zone is. Maybe the word ‘easy’ isn’t the most suitable word to use in this case because it sure wasn’t easy last time. Now I occasionally wonder why it was so hard for me to just step out of my comfort zone back in the day. I was so focused on ONLY doing things that were in my comfort zone, I sometimes wonder if I was even truly myself, my true raw unfiltered self. Forever afraid and stuck staying in a comfort zone that is not even the best version of yourself might make you lose your true identity and your potential to evolve. Had I never step out of my comfort zone, I would’ve never had the guts to wear high heels to class, I would’ve never had the guts to be the first person to initiate a conversation, I would’ve never had the guts to sing my lungs out in the shower...mind you, a PUBLIC shower, and I would’ve never ever had the guts to be publishing this blog that you are reading now. Well, I think I’ve made my point quite clear.

Now that I’ve done all those things (and many more) in such a short period of time, I can’t deny the fact that I feel proud of myself. For finally being able to accept that I am a person that likes to sing while I shower, I am a person that likes writing down my thoughts and sharing part of them to the world hahha and I am in fact a person that is so so so different from the one in the past mainly because of the limitations set by my own idea of what was within my comfort zone. I do believe that there are people out there who are still stuck in their comfort zone and I wish that you are able to be brave enough to step out of it soon because it is an entirely whole new feeling and a whole new accomplishment in life.

To be honest, I have not completely stepped out of my comfort zone yet but at least I am halfway there! Just lift your right/left foot up, cross that threshold and take the first step out, I guarantee you, the following steps will become much easier.

I am well aware that it is easier said than done, so the next paragraph will be a paragraph where I try to make you question yourself and wonder whether you are stuck in your comfort zone as well as why you are not crossing that line yet. (Fingers crossed it might help!! Even if it is just 1%)

Before I finally decided to step that one foot out, I was so concerned about what others would think of me. Not in a way that they will judge me for doing a certain thing, it was more of a fear of people wondering why am I acting differently from the day before and why am I acting a certain way that I’ve never acted before. (I’m just hoping whatever I’m saying right now make sense hahhaha. Carrying on…) One thing that was way out of my comfort zone was me doing something that I’ve never done before but had always wanted to do but never did it because people have never seen me doing it. I was basically stuck in a ‘routine’, but that routine was a personality routine. It was a routine that I’ve continued doing for so many years that is has become my ‘personality’ and a way people see me. Even though I didn’t like it, even though it didn’t feel good being defined as a person that I knew deep down wasn’t who I really am, just the thought of changing the routine and image that I had already formed was way out of my comfort zone and I was too big of a coward to take that first step. I was so reluctant to make any changes to the way I acted or the way I speak because I was comfortable knowing that people won’t have any chances to think that I am acting differently or weirdly. So, there I was, stuck with chocolate cakes because I couldn’t handle the consequences of people finding out that I liked blueberry cakes more. :D Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? I was literally being defined as a person that wasn’t who I am, I was basically losing my real identity and would’ve completely lost it if I continued to stay in my comfort zone. Maybe your case isn’t as weird as mine so you can’t relate, but I do hope it proves a point. How dangerous our comfort zones can be and how badly it can affect your life. In my case, the culprit that attempted to murder my true identity as a person and sent it into coma for so many years, was none other than my own comfort zone.

That is just an example of what has been a part of my comfort zone and I know it is quite a heavy one since it affects my whole identity as a person. There are definitely other small things that are in my comfort zone that doesn’t sound as scary but I wouldn’t be able to fully express what I wanted to say without using this as an example. Eventhough the other small details might not seem significant enough to motivate you to step out of your comfort zone but think of it this way. Why not? Will it kill someone? Will someone die? Will it affect your mental health? Will it do more bad than good? If any of your answers to my questions were a Yes, then you probably need more time to digest and analyse the pros and cons of just doing it, orrrrr what you’re trying to do is illegal and dangerous. Lmao.

Just by reading my 2 page blog, you won’t magically be able to step out of your comfort zone. You gotta think deep about it. Ask yourself what can possibly go wrong? And what is stopping you? Is it society’s expectations? Is it peer pressure? *toxic friend alert* Or is it because you’re too chicken (p*ssy) to do so. If now is not your time to start helping yourself, then when? I literally just watched a Youtube video about stepping out of your comfort zone and accepting yourself for who you are without the fear of people judging you as a way of selflove. So, what is stopping you from being one step closer to loving yourself and achieving that selflove that everyone is talking about?

I think I’ve said enough because this is a topic that every individual digest and interpret differently so there is no point for me to be typing out a whole 100 page essay. No matter how many times I repeat the sentence “just do it, just do it, just do it” just like the Nike slogan, if your mindset is not on the same page as mine, my words are all a puff of wind passing your ear. Like pfffffffttttttttt :D

As I mentioned above, I actually thought of this blog idea since a few weeks ago so I initially wanted to include a compilation video of myself doing things that are out of my comfort zone to prove that I mean what I say and I walk the talk. Actions speaks louder than words right?

Butttttt, as much as I want to be able to take that video and include it in this blog, I am currently back in campus and it is quite impossible for me to complete the video and do the things that I planned to do. So, the blog “stepping out of your comfort zone vol 2” will hopefully be published as soon as I reach home :P Cheers!

Remember, more often than not, the only person holding you back, is the person staring back at you in the mirror. (you lol. Tryna sound fancy kekeke)

That’s my ‘short’ blog! See you in the next! Ciao!

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