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The Perfect Muffin Recipe

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

To those of you who have been watching my Instagram stories for the past few weeks, you might have noticed that I’ve been baking a lot recently. So today, I figured I would come up here and share my all-time favorite Muffin recipe!

Of course, this is not my recipe to claim. Thanks to Nagi, someone who has been sharing her recipes online, I managed to discover this amazing muffin recipe!

With this recipe, you’ll be able to make a batch of moist and soft muffins that I guarantee you’ll love! I’ve tried using this recipe to bake blueberries as well as chocolate chip muffins and they both turned out super good! (Although I personally prefer the blueberry one :p)

This recipe makes about 12 big muffins. (not Starbucks kinda big though) It takes about 10 minutes for the preparation (if you are efficient :p), 20 minutes to cook and about 1 minute to eat one muffin while it’s hot and out of the oven :D

Let’s get right into it and discuss some of the key Ingredients that you need for the muffins.

Chocolate Chips/Blueberries – Um, Duh? What’s chocolate chip muffins without chocolate chip right? (Same goes to blueberries)

Buttermilk – Buttermilk is actually a very crucial ingredient for this recipe because it makes the muffin tender and moist. I’ve tried looking around my area for buttermilk and unfortunately, I couldn’t find any. If this is your case too, don’t worry because you can easily substitute using milk and lemon(or vinegar). The results of the muffin may not be the exact same when we use a substitute rather than buttermilk, but the difference is not significant.

I’ve been substituting buttermilk with lemon and whole/full cream milk (not skim) just like the ones shown in the picture. Just simply squeeze some fresh lemon juice, add the milk and leave it aside for about 5 minutes until it curdles. The texture will become clumpy.

To read about other ways to substitute buttermilk, click here

Butter and Oil - I’ve previously used recipes where only butter is used and when the muffins were out from the oven, they were quite dry. This is because the butter is said to be for the flavor whereas the oil is for moisture. Regular vegetable oil would do!

These are the basic things that I have prepared before starting my preparations for the ingredients. Measuring cups, bowls, whisker, measuring spoons, etc.

I would usually take the eggs and milk out from the fridge first. Then prepare the lemon juice plus milk and set them aside To curdle.

Curdled milk!

Only then I will prepare the other wet and dry ingredients. When I made blueberry muffins, I added some lemon rind for the flavoring. This step is totally up to you! It just adds a little scent of lemon in your muffins.

Mix the ingredients, fold in your key ingredients, divide the batter generously into the muffin tray and into the oven they go!

Things to take note!

- When preparing the milk (for buttermilk) and eggs for this recipe, remember to take them out of the fridge and leave them to room temperature to prevent them from shocking the batter. When at room temperature, eggs, butter and other dairy ingredients forms an emulsion which traps air. So while baking in the oven, the trapped air expands and form a fluffy baked good. Cold ingredients don’t incorporate together easily resulting in clumpy muffins.

- You can immerse your eggs in warm tap water for 10 minutes after taking them out of the fridge. Simply microwave your milk for about 30 seconds if it is fridge cold and you rather not wait for them to warm to room temperature.

- When mixing the batter, try not to over mix them. Fold in the ingredients and don’t stir too many times. This is because gluten is formed when your batter is over stirred. And you don’t want gluten formation in your muffins. Gluten will cause your muffins to be tough rather than light and fluffy. Point is, don’t over mix your batter. Some flour clumps is fine!!!

Detailed ingredient list below!

Dry Ingredients:

- 2 ½ cups of all purpose flour (375g)

- 3 tsp baking powder

- 1 tsp baking soda (you can substitute this with 3 more tsp of baking powder)

- 1 cup of white sugar (220g)

- ¼ tsp salt

Wet ingredients:

- 1 cup of buttermilk (250ml)

- 4 tbsp of melted unsalted butter (60g)

- 4 tbsp vegetable oil (80ml)

- 2 large egg at room temperature

- 2 tsp vanilla extract

- 1 tsp lemon rind (5ml) (optional)

Key ingredient:

- 300g Chocolate chips or 250g Blueberries


1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius (390 degrees Fahrenheit) and line a 12 hole muffin tray.

2. Whisk your dry ingredients in a bowl. (flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar and salt)

3. In a separate bowl, whisk your buttermilk (or the substitute), melted butter, oil, eggs, vanilla essence and lemon rind. Basically Just whisk your wet ingredients.

4. Mix your dry and wet ingredients together. This is the part where you want to avoid over mixing. I repeat, some flour lumps in the batter is fine!!!

5. Now add your key ingredient whether it is chocolate chips or blueberries. You can reserve some for the toppings later.

6. Plop your batter into the muffin cups using an ice cream scoop or a spoon.

7. Bake your muffins in the oven for 5 minutes at 200 degree Celsius then turn down the heat to 180 degree Celsius (350 degree Fahrenheit) and bake for another 13-15 minutes. Just poke your muffins with a skewer to check.

8. Remove your muffins from the muffin tray immediately into a cooling tray.

9. Your muffins are ready to be served!!

These muffins are best consumed on the day they were made. If you wish to keep them for the next day and beyond, simply microwave them to heat them up a lil bit to make them moist again! (Just like when they were freshly baked!)

I think halfway through the video I was singing and making weird noises, so just ignore that Was that video taken when my phone was 1%?! Why is the quality of the video so shitty.

Also, use a bigger bowl because I spilled about a tablespoon worth of wet ingredients. urgh!

Ps. If any of you do decide to try out this recipe, I hope it turns out as well as mine did! If not, you probably did something wrong, don’t ask me what because I wouldn’t know either. HAHA


That's it for this blog, see you in the next! Ciao! :)

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